(Español) TIPS Diarios Prácticos

La casa del Alumno te trae consejos diarios prácticos para soportar el confinamiento.

Llevamos varias semanas en confinamiento y ya se ha vuelto prorrogar el estado de alarma otros 15 días. Sabemos que ésta situación todavía podría alargarse un poco más, por lo que nosotros hemos pensado en ti y queremos aconsejarte en cómo organizar tu día a día si todavía no te has adaptado o no consigues coger el ritmo.

Si todavía no te has acostumbrado a estar confinado en casa y no sabes qué hacer.. te proponemos unos consejos que te ayudarán en el día a día durante la próxima cuarentena.

No pienses en quemar el pijama una vez nos dejen salir… simplemente sigue nuestros tips prácticos y pasa unos días agradables en tu casa.



It’s here the 16th edition of painting and photography contest!

As every year, the Student Recreation Centre wants to recognize and make visible the creativity of the students of the UPV. In this way, we invite you to participate in the XVI Painting and Photography contest of Student Recreation Centre.

Below you can see all the necessary information to present your proposal.

“Due to the recent situation caused by COVID-19, it’s expected a possible extension to the participation period. In that case, it will be published on the web page and social networks as soon as we have knowledge of it.”

⚙️Rules  –  🔎 Instructions


BDNS Transparence

Cancellation of the contest


Without plastic in the UPV

Unidad de Medio Ambiente

The Universitat Politècnica de València public institution committed to the environment, that proposes minimise the huge number of waste generated, with the support of coffee shops.

The measures proposed by the Environment Unit of the UPV consist in reducing the use of plastics in university menus, because plastic releases a large amounts of toxins in the environment. Due to that fact, it takes too long to decompose and it’s the cause of several hazardous and ecologically damaging effects.

From the Student Recreation Center, we want to give our support to this environment improvement initiative, sice recycling is a good option to reduce plastic pollution on Earth, but honestly that is neither sufficient nor sustainable.

Check the measures taken in the catering establishments of the UPV here.

Imagen planeta de Iberdrola
“Plastics have become a problem for the planet and it is in our hands to reverse this situation.”

Hard-working Woman 2020

Hard-working Woman 2020

It has been made during the first week of March an exposure with portraits of influential women in the history, to celebrate the equality of gender and woman´s right day.

Along the history, a lot of women have invested big endeavours and have made a costly fight for achieving a space stood out in a world that apparently was used to to be dominated by men.
Numerous advances and habits have provided a change along the years thanks to this endeavour that, of different ways, has marked a before and an afterwards.

In honour to all they and the rest of fighting women, to celebrate the equality of gender and the Day of the Hard-working Woman, during the first week of March in the House of the Student will be able to enjoy of an exposure with portraits of some influential women in the history.

Exposition “El Salvador”

The exposure develops from photographs and audiovisual pills, in which 6 protagonists show us through his vivencias personal, the different problematic in which it is sumido the country like the violence of gender, the political violence or the fault of use.

The last technology also is present in the exposure. An experience 360 allows us approach us of form vivencial to the activities of CESAL and to the profits that generates on the young population in The Saviour.

🔸  Ilustrísima Sra. MARÍA CONSUELO ANGULO LUNA – General director of International Cooperation to the Development of the Generalitat

🔸  Ilustrísima Sra. MARÍA BELÉN CARDONA RUBERT – Autonomic Secretary of Cooperation and Democratic Quality

Rosa Puchades Pla – Vice-chancellor of Social Responsibility and Cooperation UPV

Alberto Pla – Photographer (author of the expo)

José Fernandez Crespo – Director of External Relations of  CESAL (NGO)
Cristina Celda – Director of the Foundation Mainel

Thanks to the collaboration of Mainel y Cesal.


Photos 27 February  2020





Of the day 26 to 27 February will take place the VI Tournament of debate UPV. To adapt better to the linguistic plurality of the students of the university, the same tournament will take place in valency and in Spanish.

In this event will participate squads formed by students of the UPV, that will confront following a model “Champions” to debate both postures.
In the tournament will participate 12 squads from among 2 and 4 students each one.

Winners: Inés Barat y Aitana Francés



VI Torneig de DEBAT UPV


Of the day 24 to 25 February will take place the VI Torneig of Debat UPV. To adapt better to the linguistic plurality of the students of the university, the same tournament will take place in valency and in Spanish.

In this event will participate squads formed by students of the UPV, that will confront following a model “Champions” to debate both postures.
In the tournament will participate 12 squads from among 2 and 4 students each one.



Some time have thought that it is impossible to learn MATLAB?



Aim you to the course of foundations of MATLAB in the UPV and will show you in so alone 2 sessions that were made a mistake.

In this free course and 100% practical, will learn from the beginning the bases of the programming in MATLAB 💻.

The course will take place the days Thursday 20 and Friday 21 February with option to choose among morning and late, in the UPV, in the Classroom of Computing 2.3 (plant 2) of the House of the Student (Edifice 4K).



Welcome Day ESN Valencia UPV

Welcome Day February

On February 6th took place the «Welcome Day» organised by Erasmus Student Network Valencia UPV in the Student Recreation Center, where welcomed the students of exchange of the 2nd semester with music in direct and paella.

In this event the students have been able to enjoy a relaxed and suitable morning to start new friendships and learn about all the activities and services offered by ESN.

If you want to keep abreast to ESN UPV’s new events, you can visit the web page and social media:


Exposition ODS

The project proposes an increase of the awareness and commitment of the Valencian citizenship in the achievement of the Aims of Sustainable Development (ODS), fixed by the UN, through an itinerant exposure by the province of Valencia, made in collaboration with the Máster of graphic design and illustration of the Universitat Polytechnical of València.

Inauguration with the Máster of Graphic Design and Illustration’s collaboration

Tuesday 4