Thanks Community College
From the student’s home we want to thank the university community who participated in the Blood Donor Day UPV. 237 people came to donate blood of which 107 was his first time.
Blood can not be manufactured and is necessary every day of the year in the Valencian hospitals.
Recognize the work of students volunteers throughout the day were encouraging and reporting.
Thank you very much to all.
As every year, from the student’s home in cooperation with the Transfusion Center of Valencia, begins the campaign for blood donation.
This year it takes place on October 21, 2015 9am-8pm.
Thanks to the motivation and perseverance of student volunteering, it will also run a promotion on each campus of the UPV,
Their work is the dissemination of this need, are students of the UPV, and perform this volunteer freely.
If you find one, come and ask any questions, I will attend delighted!
You can also contact us through the student’s home
Your blood helps to save lives, support the cause
We hope your participation!

Talk Volunteer Day 2015 Blood UPV
Today the Transfusion Center of Valencia has approached the Hall of degrees of the student’s home to inform volunteers that they will promote the Day Donate Blood in the UPV.
There has been a journey with those technical aspects and curiosities that donors should know. On the other hand, it has emphasized people who can not or should give, since it would undermine other group.
In short, they have released tools to convey to the community this urgency that we all need.
For more information: Día del Donante de Sangre UPV 2015