II Edition HEBOCON Valencia

Here is the II edition of the HEBOCON Valencia.
The Tuesday 10 at 18 hours in the Student House. Do not miss it!

Robots with very limited intelligence struggling to overpower their opponent. The reason: the second edition of Hebocon, a peculiar competition between automatons built with the least possible technology and recycled materials, which will take place on February 10 in the Student’s house.




Fallas heritage of humanity

The Fallas are unique. A dynamic party with Mediterranean flavor that implies miles of Valencians and supposes a source of collective creativity that maintains alive Valencian knowledge and practices. During a few days in March, this festival turns Valencian cities and art museums to celebrate the arrival of spring. The music, the gunpowder, the traditional clothing, the sociability of its people … are just some of the ingredients that make this party something unique. In fact, its aesthetic values and ritual practices have made it the sea and festival candidate for the title of Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

From the Casa del Alumno we have celebrated this event with the launch of a trench in front of our facilities.



More info:



Thanksgiving Dinner

American Space Valencia

ThanksgivingThis year American Space of Valencia is collaborating with the Berklee College of Music to offer you an event which is sure to become an annual tradition, a Thanksgiving concert and dinner. This concert will feature performances by Berklee undergraduate and graduate students from the Valencia campus.

Enjoy a one of a kind Thanksgiving concert with performances by the students of Berklee College of Music
Then join us for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings (Turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce, in addition to a selection of typically American salads and desserts)

Tickets cost only 15 € and space is limited so sign up now!

For tickets: Click here!

Aula de Rol y Simulación UPV – Jornadas de Presentación


Fotos del evento en el siguiente enlace a la página de Facebook de la asociación ARS: Jornadas Presentación 2012

Jornadas de Presentación del ARS

El Aula de Rol y Simulación quiere ayudarte a relajarte y desconectar, tras los
esfuerzos del periodo de exámenes, y para ello el ARS pone todo un mundo de ocio
al alcance de tu mano.

Ven a descubrir los apasionantes Juegos de Rol, o acércate a conocer Juegos de
Mesa que te sorprenderán, del 10 al 15 de Diciembre en la Casa del Alumno.
Estaremos abiertos toda la semana de 10:00 a 20:00, para que puedas acercarte a
conocernos y participar en las actividades que hemos preparado. Solo por venir,
participarás en el sorteo de un Carcassonne X Aniversario y muchos regalos más.

Y no te preocupes si nunca has jugado a estos juegos. Todos los días habrá partidas
de iniciación a los Juegos de Rol y de Mesa.


Concurso de Bandas UPV

El jueves 24 de mayo se celebró en La Casa del Alumno el Concurso de Bandas UPV, donde varios grupos de la UPV participaban para ganarse un sitio como teloneros en el festival Arenal Sound.

La banda que resultó ganadora fue LONGS:


LONGS, la banda ganadora, con la Vicerrectora de Alumnado y Cultura, Doña Mª Victoria Vivancos Ramón


Más fotos del evento: