Industry 4.0 conference

Industry 4.0 conference

Today Wednesday, December 5, the Sala Ximo Mora of The Student’s House Recreation has hosted the Industry 4.0 conference given by the OMRON company. This activity has been organized by the ISA Valencia association registered in the spontaneous Generation program of the UPV.

The event concluded with the presentation of the ISA Group of Students of Valencia.

ISA is an international non-profit association formed by Instrumentation, Process Control and Automation professionals. It is an originally American association, from which sections emerged in various countries as a result of the intention to promote training and a meeting between professionals in the sector.

XV Anniversary of the Student’s Recreation Centre

XV Anniversary of the Student’s Recreation Centre


A meeting point at the Universitat Politècnica de València that opens its doors to the university community, this is one of the multiple definitions of La Casa del Alumno. On the day of its inauguration, on December 4, 2003, Justo Nieto, rector at that time, defined it as “a unique space in its conception and performance throughout the European Teaching Space”; What we can conclude is that the Casa del Alumno is a nerve center for the social life of the UPV. A center thought by the students for the students.

In these 15 years of life, La Casa del Alumno has hosted more than 460 activities in solidarity, training, competitions, workshops, etc. and he wanted to celebrate inviting all the students on December 4 where we will have the assistance of the Vice President José Luis Cueto and the Delegate of Students Pablo Alc.


40th Anniversary of the Constitution

Article 27.

  1. 1. Tothom té dret a l’educació. Es reconeix la llibertat d’ensenyament.
    2. L’educació tindrà com a objecte el ple desenvolupament de la personalitat humana en el respecte als principis democràtics de convivència i als drets i a les llibertats fonamentals.
    3. Els poders públics garanteixen el dret que assisteix els pares per tal que els fills reben la formació religiosa i moral que vaja d’acord amb les seues conviccions.
    4. L’ensenyament bàsic és obligatori i gratuït.
    5. Els poders públics garanteixen el dret de tots a l’educació, mitjançant una programació general de l’ensenyament, amb la participació efectiva de tots els sectors afectats i la creació de centres docents.
    6. Es reconeix a les persones físiques i jurídiques la llibertat de creació de centres docents, dins el respecte als principis constitucionals.
    7. Els professors, els pares i, en el seu cas, els alumnes intervindran en el control i en la gestió de tots els centres sostinguts per l’Administració amb fons públics, en els termes que la llei establesca.
    8. Els poders públics inspeccionaran i homologaran el sistema educatiu per tal de garantir el compliment de les lleis.
    9. Els poders públics ajudaran aquells centres docents que reunesquen els requisits que la llei establesca.
    10. Es reconeix l’autonomia de les Universitats, en els termes que la llei establesca.

La Casa de l’Alumne se suma als actes commemoratius del 40 aniversari de la Constitució espanyola sota el lema “40 anys de constitució, 40 anys en democràcia” i ho fa amb una exposició pensada perquè l’alumnat puga consultar La Constitució i descobrir diverses edicions d’aquesta. L’exposició romandrà oberta al públic en l’hall de la Casa de l’Alumne fins al 10 de desembre amb accés lliure.

Enllaços d’interès



World Day of the fight against AIDS

World Day of the fight against AIDS

On the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day of the fight against AIDS, the Polytechnic University of Valencia has organized in collaboration with AVACOS-H and AVEM a program with various activities both in the Campus of Vera and in the School of Art. Superior of Disseny de València under the slogan promoted by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV, UNAIDS: “Knowledge is power. Know your status ”

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the first world day of the fight against AIDS. Thirty years of activism by the hand, among others, of artists such as Pepe Miralles who exhibits this month at the IVAM Elisa. Thirty years of activism and solidarity in defense of universal access to vital services to treat and prevent HIV.

This year, especially at the state level, demands greater attention to the prevention of infection, as Ramón Espacio, president of the CESIDA (State HIV and AIDS Coordinator), denounces that “prevention is where we continue to fail”.

European Week of HIV and Hepatitis C Test

The HIV and Hepatitis C test week is an initiative of HIV Europe, born in 2013. Its purpose is to increase and join efforts in the early diagnosis of these infections. This year, as it has been done years ago, under the motto “treat and prevent. Take the test “several devices will be distributed so that they can perform extraordinary rapid tests in places like the Student’s House of the Vera Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

VIEW – Valencian Innovative Engineering Week

VIEW – Valencian Innovative Engineering Week

VIEW (Valencian Innovative Engineering Week) is the new project in which embarks BEST Valencia that seeks to offer a meeting point for the students of the Universitat Politècnica de València with this same institution, other groups or non-governmental organizations with an important technological component and companies in the sector.

During this week of engineering that begins today, Monday, November 26, in addition to an engineering competition in which more than 40 students of the University will compete to constitute the most ingenious team, different workshops, talks and networkings will be held. They will try to offer the students a broader vision of engineering than they can receive in their classes.

VIEW can offer an opportunity to promote the services of your Company within the university community, thanks to the means with which BEST Valencia has contact and its reach to the 30,000 students of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

+ information about BEST Valencia and VIEW in the following links:


Thursday 22nd

12:00 – 14:00 Opening conference and selection of participants. Design Factory, Student’s House (4K Building), Spontaneous Generation room.


Welcome Day MotoR-UPV School

Welcome Day MotoR-UPV School








Yesterday, Thursday, November 22nd, the students and fans of the UPV motor had an appointment with MotoR-UPV in the RedBull Desert Wings University Challenge. The attendees had the opportunity to participate in a remote control mini-race “Dakar Race”. The pilot who gets the best time at the national level will participate in the Global Final in Peru where each winner of the parcipating countries will compete for the Global Award.

Film-colloquium Week of Gender, Equality and Diversity

Film-colloquium Week of Gender, Equality and Diversity

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), in the framework of the 50th anniversary of the institution, celebrates, between November 19 and 25, the Week of Gender, Equality and Diversity.

On the occasion of these days today, Wednesday 21 November, the cinema-colloquium has started in the Social Hall of the Student’s House with the documentary Volar, directed by Bertha Gaztelumendi. This documentary has been presented at the San Sebastian Film Festival (2017) and sponsored by Emakunde.

The cycle will end tomorrow, Thursday 22 with the screening of Guerriller @ S at 4:00 p.m., a documentary directed by Montse Pujantell, awarded at the main transgender film festivals.

VOLAR – Synopsis

Nine women, with a past of gender violence, share a weekend in the countryside, far from their daily lives. They are women of different ages and professions but able to recognize each other without the need for words. They are united by the courage of having faced the hell of that violence, of having survived and also of wanting to give a meaning to the suffering suffered. And they make available to other women and society their life journey, without any victimization.

Bertha Gaztelumendi – Biography

Bertha Gaztelumendi, journalist and Master in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford (United Kingdom), is currently a researcher hired in the Chair of Human Rights and Public Powers at the University of the Basque Country. He has directed the documentaries Mariposas en el hierro (2012), which gave voice to women victims of different types of violence, Nigar franko egingo zuen aitak (2014), with testimonies about the post-war in Amasa-Villabona and Las buenas empresas (2015), short film co-directed with Nuria Casal.

Guerriller@as – Synopsis

Documentary that raises a reflection about gender identity. From a heterogeneous group of militants by transgender and transgender struggle, the documentary talks about the construction of genres and their “control strategies”. Four guerrillas invite us to think about the subject based on their personal and collective experience.

One of the particularly critical aspects of her struggle is what makes reference to the next revision of the DSM (the diagnosis of mental disorders that govern the psychiatric protocols throughout the world), scheduled for 2013, so that transsexuality is not considered a disorder or a disease, as happened previously with the homosexual collective (considered pathological according to this manual about 30 years ago).

Montse Pujantell – Biography

Montse Pujantell studied Philosophy (University of Barcelona), Film Direction and Script (CECC, Center of Cinematographic Studies of Catalonia), Master of Script for TV and Cinema (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Edition in Avid and Final Cut (Editrain, BCN) She currently works as a documentary maker for different televisions, produces audiovisual content for websites, DVDs and performs locutions for audiovisual pieces, documentaries, etc. She also teaches workshops on communication education (EmotionsxMinute) in various schools and cultural centers in Spain and Colombia with the Banda Visual Cultural Association (, of which she is a partner.

Information Stand HeForShe

Information Stand HeForShe


HeForShe is a solidarity campaign that promotes gender equality created by UN Women. Its objective is to involve both men and boys as agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and the vindication of women’s rights, encouraging them to take action against the gender inequalities faced by women and girls.


This campaign invites people from all over the world to converge in an egalitarian society in which a vision of respect and equity is shared, in which solutions can be implemented for the benefit of all humanity. It involves actively involving men and boys in a movement that was originally conceived as “a women’s struggle for women.”


The Student’s Recreation Centre hosts an information stand on this campaign on Tuesday, November 20.