Exhibition “Sèries escultòriques, MUCAES UPV”

The Student Recreation Centre hosts the exhibition “Sèries escultòriques, MUCAES UPV”, which can be visited with free access from June 20 to July 20 in the lobby of the 4K building (ground floor) on the campus of Vera.

This exhibition is the result of the second edition of the workshop “Photography and sculptural heritage of the UPV”, organized from February 14 to April 18 by the Art and Heritage Fund of the UPV.

The exhibition brings together 30 photographs of students and students of the workshop, grouped in different series in which the sculptures that make up the Campus Escultòric Museum of the UPV have been taken as an element of study.




Yesterday June 13 in the hall of the Student House Recreation Centre held a concert where we could hear a musical tour through the different regions of the Little Venice of America, in the voice of the Venezuelan soprano Maria Eugenia Briceño, accompanied by the cuatro player and guitarist Venezuelan Frank Palpieris.

A trip to the center, to the plains, to the west and to the east, to the rur and the Andes through the songs of the most renowned composers of their traditional music: Simón Díaz, Otilio Galíndez, Henry Martínez, Adelis Fréitez, Manuel Yánez and Iván Pérez Rossi, among others.



Exhibition – Tàctiques públiques 04

On Tuesday, May 22nd at the Student Recreation Centre, the fourth installment of the exhibition “Public Tactics” was presented, framed this year as “Tàctiques publiques 04 // SERVEIS PÚBLICS”. This exhibition is run by the group of artists GUERRILLA GANG, composed from the class of Intervention Tactics of public art of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Sant Carles of the UPV, Valencia.

This exhibition is the action in the common space taken to a temporary and joint sample to, thus, bring together the different approaches and types of work that are carried out individually within the community and the implementation of the true intervention tactics in public art




XIV Photography and Painting Contest | Jury’s decision

From May 23 to June 15, 2018, the works selected and awarded at the XIV Painting and Photography Contest will be displayed in the foyer on the ground floor of The Student House Recreation Centre



Primer premio

“Pink-NetworK” - Fernando Martínez García

Alumno: Fernando Martínez García
Título: “Pink-NetworK”


Segundo premio

 “Sin Título” - Miquel Ponce Díaz

Alumno: Miquel Ponce Díaz
Título: “Sin Título”


Pinturas Seleccionadas

Huellas - David Hernández Hernández Barriles - Sergio Rocafort Giménez La soledad de la luciérnaga en el laboratorio de foto (estudio con forma) - Imma Riera



Primer premio 

El mal trago I - Marta Sánchez Solaz

Alumno: Marta Sánchez Solaz
Título: “El mal trago I”

Segundo premio

 “Un día en Galicia - parte 2” - Ángel Manuel Rodríguez Arias

Alumno: Ángel Manuel Rodríguez Arias
Título: “Un día en Galicia – parte 2”

Accesít mención de honor

“Home Poem (Poesía de casa) pt.2” - Ji Yeon Kim (Suri Kim)

Alumna: Ji Yeon Kim (Suri Kim)
Título: “Home Poem (Poesía de casa) pt.2”



Vista la escasa participación, se decide dejar desierta esta modalidad.


Fotografías Seleccionadas

Reflejo - Cristina Bartual Murgui Terrain Vague I - Eva María Jiménez Domínguez Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo - Paula Nácher Albiache Fragmento- Lucía de las Mercedes Cárceles Grau Distancia - Lucía de las Mercedes Cárceles Grau Las barcas de Caronte parte 1 - José Manuel Rodríguez Román Los espejos negándome el reflejo - Clara Barquín de la Puente Clara Barquín de la Puente - Volver Home Poem (Poesía de casa) pt.1 - Ji Yeon Kim (Suri Kim) Un día en Galicia I - Ángel Manuel Rodríguez Arias De la construcción de la identidad - Micaela Maisa Montero Miguel Ángel Navarro Rodríguez - La piedad I El mal trago II - Marta Sánchez Solaz Luz II - Laura Ortiz Hernández Luz I - Laura Ortiz Hernández

X Meeting of Projects and Cooperation Practices

Today, May 11, at the Student Recreation Centre and from the Center for Development Cooperation, a meeting has been organized to combine the experiences of those who have enjoyed a mobility grant in cooperation matters (Meridies, PCD, Valencia Coopera) and the concerns of those who will enjoy them in the future.

Thus creating a training and meeting space in which the work of the university community in the field of development cooperation is made visible.

In his presentation also counted with the presence of Francisco José Mora Mas (Rector of the UPV), Rosa Puchades Pla (Vice-rector of Social Responsibility and Cooperation), Neus Fábregas Santana (Delegate Regulator of Cooperation to the Development and Migration of the City of Valencia) and of Federico Buyolo García (DG of Cooperació i Solidaritat)




Presentation Day

#HEREMapHacks Valencia

#HEREMapHacks Valencia challenges you to develop smart location solutions that improve mobility and resource management in our city.

The objective is to develop solutions and applications using the localization technology tools set HERE, through their APIS and native SDKs.

You will have the opportunity to create an innovative software solution to enhance the power of localization, applying it to one of the sites we propose: #smartcampus & #smartmobility

You will be in contact with the latest developments of technology companies, participate in workshops, there will be interviews with Human Resources managers and economic awards to the best developments of each challenge.

We invite you to share your trip to the Student’s House from your destination using Bewego. We have a special code for the event: #HEREMapHacks. This code must be used to register with Bewego, and automatically linked to the event.